Summer Solstice

I’ll be having my birthday coming in a couple of days.  A few days before the Eclipse on the 26th and a few days after the Summer Solstice on the 21st.  As an Astrologer I always advice people to take it slow the last week before their birthdays. During the last week before your birthday you are running out of energy and it’s a good time to contemplate on the past year as well as to set your intentions for the year to come. On the day of your birthday your Sun will get some sort of ‘a’ new light infusion and your energy go’s up again. I am going to follow my own advice for a few days and will be going into an up coming birthday retreat. It’s kind of ‘a’ magical time for me right now.

Besides that I also have a Virgo Moon in sextile with my Sun in Cancer and I feel this overwhelming urge to completely clean the house. The site redecoration sort of wired me out. So, I am getting sort of frantic about my dirty windows and I can’t do a retreat in a messy  home. It’s just how I tick. So you will all see me again somewhere on the other side of my birthday. But I did do some homework myself because I am having an Eclipse on my head for a complete Solar Return year. I know this time it will be a wide orb and out going, but: Better safe than sorry…

So I will leave you for the week with some interesting links. BTW all the writing in black on this site actually are links you can click on…

The first you can click on go’s to Auntie Moon: You do not want to know the ring that name has to a Cancer in the middle of the Grand Cross as well as with an Eclipse this close to her Solar Return. I love her site and it’s very up to date; practical and into the moment.

The second link you can click on go’s to Barbara Hand Clow”s AstroFlash: If you enter the page and scroll down you won’t only find an update about this Summer Solstice with  refined calibre  but also an update on the last New Moon.

Last but not least you can click on Ravenesque  Astrology and Asteroids. Karen and I just found out we are birthday twins and she did an article on the up coming Eclipse last week:  Which is very good an informative. I missed out on it because I was redecorating the site. But she made me one of her loyal readers in quite a short period and I found it this morning. I love her site.

I’ll might have done my home work on Black Moon Lilith but I do not have a lot of experience with the Asteroids: She does.  I have a Sagittarius Ascendant: I love being an eternal student. The only reason I havent found myself lost on her site yet;  is because I am an outdoors person: It’s Spring and I am very busy at the moment. But I will lose myself on her site during the coming winter months: That is a promise!

© 2010 Fauvism Astrology

This entry was published on 19/06/2010 at 18:16 and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

4 thoughts on “Summer Solstice

  1. YAY birthday twin xo thanks for the lovely mention. We also have the same innate sense for a clean house and slate for the ‘big day’, and are also both late for that schedule this year lol Plus, more trivia. we share earth Moon’s, mine is in Capricorn but I have an Aquarius rise, so we differ there, but still, fire and water – 1st to 7th 😉

    Have an absolutely fabulous birthday my new friend and we will catch up when we’re one year older and even more fantastic than the year before xo

    PS: I love Auntie Moon too, she’s just great 🙂


    • We will and I wish you a lot of good cleaning in the mean time. Oh yes: Late,late,late and more trivia… It’s a great article btw. I will reread it many times the next comming year. For sure.

      Ciao: We will catch up…!


  2. Oh my goodness another Cancerian with a Virgo moon??? Ok I understand how easily you can “talk to my heart” now!


    • Then calling yourself AlterEgoTrip in cyberspace must have been a big step for you… Lol.
      I am out of here: Going to enjoy my clean windows while they still are this clean…


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