Lilith’s Return

black  roseI am writing this post for a friend who disappeared into thin air. I tried to reach her through e-mail, but the mail  bounced back because she changed her address. I do have another address, as well as an option to track her down, but realized she is going through her Lilith Return. If I remember correctly Lilith in transit is somewhere at the midpoint of her 10+ degree Lilith Zone.

Disappearing into thin air, somehow is a Lilith trait. Right now, she might want to be left alone. So, I decided not to do this. Lilith Returns can suck the living daylights out of you, and make you end up in her desert: A road you’ll have to walk alone. They are highly mystical and alchemical in essence, and can give you clearness on many issues with a strong base into reality. She can give  you a reality check by cutting through the truth in a way which is not always easy to face.

Even though I decided to leave my friend’s situation for what it is, until she herself, checks in again, the last couple of days Lilith started to haunt me with a song on my cell phone. The clip which comes with it, is one of the most beautiful clips I’ve ever seen; and I realised it has my friend’s name written all over it. So, I am going to post this.

As my one and only birthday twin; you know who you are. I hope you read this, and want you to know: if you need me, one on one, I ‘ll be here for you. Be well…!

Within Temptation: “Running Up That Hill”

© 2010/2011 Fauvism  Astrology

This entry was published on 15/11/2011 at 12:44. It’s filed under Black Moon Lilith and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

6 thoughts on “Lilith’s Return

  1. Pingback: Lilith astrology | Greengovtv

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  3. My friend who writes quite frequently has noticed that my e-post address has been bouncing back much for the last few weeks.. there may be a glitch in the systems of international e-posts due to various “security” protocols. So give it some time, and a few attempts before writing of the address.. I could imagine that if I didn’t test my e-post out, there are times where I am missing stuff..

    For no reason.

    Then there is always the spirit of getting you in touch when the time is right.. I tend to evaporate, I thought it was a Pluto/Mercury thing, but since BML is conjunct a 12th house Mercury, its probably allot more an embedded part of my nature than I’d like to confess. But I have the same e-post for the last 14 years, and a good track record of at least not hiding too hard.

    I do understand that I focus on the completely wrong things(or correct things) and know that I can’t help others by getting them worked up over things either.. for example, my mother. I hate to write her with any thought that makes her feel bad.

    Be well! Best wishes.. and relax and heal.



  4. June Twin on said:

    This is so very sweet, and I thank you for this. I am deeply touched. I have left my email with this comment, and I will tell you ALL about it if you are interested. Extremely Lilith, undeniably Lilith, internet events that left me with little choice but to drop all really! Unbelievably stressful, phew! Sad in some ways, but a forced re-evaluation of many things, as is Lilith’s way 🙂 Anyway, I hope you drop me a note and thanks again xo


    • Are you kidding me: You’re more than welcome!

      It’s really good to hear from you. I hope your doing okay under all these Lilithian circumstances. The last three to four weeks the energy in Aries/Taurus was truly dense and Jupiter kind of expanded it. I really had to a just to it myself as well. But the air is getting thinner . ( tong out of my mouth down to the ground, smiley )

      I guess this birthday twin thing we have going on gives us some sort of connection: That song seriously started to haunt me and that clip does have your name written all over it…

      You popped up into my mind while I was writing my last post as well. That’s one hell of a strong and in the end beautiful Lilith position you have there; but it might be a tough cookie to crack being in the middle of it. Just hang in there and do jump on that flow: that’s where the magic is (Remember Bruce: he knew!).

      Definitely interested: Will write you a personal note within 48 hours ( truly busy at the moment) Thanks for popping up again. Great to hear from you!

      Hugs and give them hell! (Lol)

      Just remember: You can’t direct her; she does you… Which is the most scary part…


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